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Short StoriesThese short stories range from 3,000 words to 10,000 words.
A Millionare's Letter Before His Death
A Millionaire’s Letter Before His Death is a letter written by a Cancer patient to his daughter. In the first and last letter that he writes to his only daughter, he describes how he found the meaning of a perfect life. And knowing that his daughter is the sole heiress of his fortune, he writes to her in a letter his finding that is more valuable that anything in this life, including his fortune. Genesis: The Amber Woman
A story about an illiterate teenager who, through her new job in a laundry, gets the attention of a whiskey dealer. This man uses the innocence of Genesis to get the support of a high-ranking military man who would let him pass the whiskey traffic. The illiterate young woman lives a drastic change in her life. Fall In (Love) Words
In this story, Elena, a librarian that is seven days away from her wedding feels something like love for a man that just met days before her weeding. It is not through his actions, but his words, as he is journalist, that she notices a feeling for him. A feeling that is perhaps as strong as the love for his fiancée. |
Relatos CortosEstos relatos cortos varian de 3,000 palabras a 10,000 palabras.
Carte de un Millonario Antes de su Muerte
La carta de un millonario antes de su muerte es una carta escrita por un paciente de cáncer a su hija. En la primera y última carta que escribe a su única hija, describe cómo encontró el significado de una vida perfecta. Y sabiendo que su hija es la única heredera de su fortuna, le escribe en una carta su hallazgo que es más valioso que cualquier cosa en esta vida, incluyendo su fortuna. Genesis: La Mujer Ambarina
Una historia sobre una adolescente analfabeta que, a través de su nuevo trabajo en una lavandería, llama la atención de un traficante de whisky. Este hombre utiliza la inocencia de Génesis para obtener el apoyo de un militar de alto rango que lo dejaría pasar el tráfico de whisky. La joven analfabeta vive un cambio drástico en su vida. Caída Por (Amor) Palabras
En esta historia, Elena, una bibliotecaria que está a siete días de su boda, siente algo así como amor por un hombre que acaba de conocer días antes de desyerbar. No es a través de sus acciones, sino de sus palabras, ya que él es periodista, que ella nota un sentimiento por él. Un sentimiento que es quizás tan fuerte como el amor por su prometida. |
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Published Paperback
Machiavellian Romanticism
And it is love and hatred that confuses our senses and rationality. We live for love, just as we suffer for love. And the acts that lead us to achieve the sublime love is: a Machiavellian Romanticism. And so, that is, how we hate with intensity the true love.
MACHIAVELLIAN ROMANTICISM is a strong short-story about the construal of love and hate. The author starts by narrating an anecdote about visiting his high school crush that it turned messy as he got in a fight with a stranger on his way back. Same stranger became a rival in this story as he started dating the high school crush. A short—not eloquent story, creates a panorama of an anecdote truly lived by the author. Same anecdote delivers a construal message about love and hate. This version, has both author writings in English in Spanish as he explains in the preface the reason of having both versions in the same book.
Work Collaboration
CollaborationsWatercolor Eyes is an art book that deliberately explains how to appreciate artistic works. With exclusive art by artist Leonel Villagómez, the explanation about what art is, how it is defined, how it is valued, and how it is appreciated goes hand in hand with the description and exclusive details about his works. There are several forms of expression in art, in which a diatonic amplification is used for the personal appreciation of art. "Diatonic," because just as the sense of hearing is stimulated through the different tones in music, so the sense of sight can be stimulated through the different tones within a work of art
Artist: www.villagomezart.com |
ColaboracionesOjos color acuarela es un libro que de arte que explica deliberadamente como apreciar obrar artísticas. Utilizando pinturas, esculturas y otras ideas del artista Leonel Villagomez, este libro continua con la explicación sobre que es el arte, como se define, como se valora, y como se aprecia.
Artista: www.villagomezart.com |
Social Science vs Philosophy
While I consider these two similar for a variety of reasons, they can differed greatly for the fact that one is a science. Meaning, that a set of pre-stablished rules applied on one while the second one is freely of expression and discerning. I enjoy philosophy as well as social sciences. Yet, both differ greatly in the way they are conducted and presented. In the published work: “Artificial Intelligence & Digital Workload: An Ethical Analysis in Job Displacement and Unfair Compensation”I conduct a philosophical evaluation in the social ambit. Where I expose the social issue of employment displacement and unfair wages, and I propose, through the glass of philosophical and ethical ideas, how this issue should be approach. Althought, the work is incomplete, It offers a rich idea that can be expanded and better deliver. Because changes in the society are done collectively. Feel free to reach me if you wish to expand upon. |
Ciencias Sociales vs Filosofía
Aunque considero que estos dos son similares por una variedad de razones, pueden ser muy diferentes por el hecho de que uno de ellos es una ciencia. Es decir, que un conjunto de reglas preestablecidas se aplican a una mientras que la segunda es de libre expresión y discernimiento. Disfruto tanto de la filosofía como de las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, ambos difieren mucho en la forma en que se llevan a cabo y se presentan. En el trabajo publicado: "Inteligencia artificial y carga de trabajo digital: Un Análisis Ético en el Desplazamiento Laboral y la Compensación Injusta" realizo una evaluación filosófica en el ámbito social. Donde expongo una cuestión social, y propongo, a través de la copa de la ética filosófica, cómo debe ser abordada esta cuestión. Aunque, en mi opinión, la idea no es completa. Ofrece una idea rica que se puede ampliar y explicar mejor. Siéntete libre de contactarme si deseas expandirte. |
Social Science - White paper
Artificial Intelligence & Digital Workload:
An Ethical Analysis in Job Displacement and Unfair Compensation
Along the advancing stages of technology, Artificial Intelligence is the central spectrum for innovated perfection. Nothing comes from normative enthusiastic desire of global development means, but mere infatuation of the technological game in which personal desires derails from the aspiration of helping others. An inevitable advancement in technology cannot be ignored, yet it can be embrace through the rational understanding of the code of ethics in which automatization does not displace human labor. Having in consideration that the implied normative policies in present day, might not or will not apply in the same way in future generations. The advance of technology and Artificial Intelligence has deliberately promoted the adaptation of machinery by reducing human labor and competitive salaries. The ethical concerns are centered on Job Displacement and the fair compensation to the new digital adaptations.
Along the advancing stages of technology, Artificial Intelligence is the central spectrum for innovated perfection. Nothing comes from normative enthusiastic desire of global development means, but mere infatuation of the technological game in which personal desires derails from the aspiration of helping others. An inevitable advancement in technology cannot be ignored, yet it can be embrace through the rational understanding of the code of ethics in which automatization does not displace human labor. Having in consideration that the implied normative policies in present day, might not or will not apply in the same way in future generations. The advance of technology and Artificial Intelligence has deliberately promoted the adaptation of machinery by reducing human labor and competitive salaries. The ethical concerns are centered on Job Displacement and the fair compensation to the new digital adaptations.