In technology Neuro-Networking would be a model system of programs and data structures that approximates the operation of the human brain, but this time I would like to make emphasis in the capacity that human would be able to achieve with the appropriate linking of one thought and another. The human brain is the most complex organ-machine in the world and can rapidly create synapses giving as result: Intelligence, or can slowly create those synapses giving the opposite result. Intelligence or knowledge are those linked (neurons) subjects that we learn, and that goes from the first steps to walk, up to solving a calculus problem. if humans were able to create a very complex machine like it is the computer, then that means the brain is a greater complex machine. Is important to look into the synapses between neurons to understand clearly or at least have an approximate idea of how the brain behaves. The knowledge acquired through the years is storage as information in these brain cells, the neurons. It has been said, or at least what I have heard, that neurons can be damage or die with the use of narcotics, but neurons can also die for being unused. The phrase “use your brain” has a strong meaning when we look into the science behind it, for that reason the more one use the brain the greater outcomes one will have.
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It is always amazing to see the stars in a dark night with an open sky. The beauty of universe delights the pupil of the eye, and it shows the countless questions of this perfect creation. A same universe happens to be in your brain, full of starts that illuminate when an interconnection happen. These stars call neurons are specialized on carrying information through an electrochemical process. The human brain has approximately 100 billion neurons. There are three types of neurons: There are three basic parts of a neuron:
-dendrites -cell body - axon Although, all neurons vary somewhat in size, shape, and characteristics depending on the function and role of the neuron. Some neurons have few dendritic branches, while others are highly branched in order to receive a great deal of information. Some neurons have short axons, while others can be quite long. The longest axon in the human body extends from the bottom of the spine to the big toe and averages a length of approximately three feet. The functional classification of the neurons is based on the direction that neurons conduct impulses. Sensory or afferent neurons conduct impulses from sensory receptors into the nervous system. Motor or efferent neurons conduct impulses out of the nervous system to different organ such as muscles, glands, etc. There are two types of motor neurons: Somatic and Autonomic. |